I have found these TO BE TRUE:
1. The Golden Rule works.
2. Compromise is better than a trial, but sometimes only one side understands that.
3. God is not on Our Side.
4. Women’s intuition is better than men’s, but that does not mean sometimes a particular man’s is not better.
5. Sex is most often a good thing, and there is definitely too little of it being shared, but that does not mean you should receive it whenever you want it.
6. There is other great wine than that from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape, and we should each spend a bit of time looking for it. Even the French know that.
7. God has blessed the United States; however, we thank ourselves and not Him.
8. These occupations are now underpaid: (i) school teachers (still), (ii) airline pilots of regional airlines (dangerously), (iii) songwriters, composers, and similar artists, (iv) anyone who gets taxed on all of his or her income for the FICA.
9. These occupations are now well overpaid: (i) airline pilots of major airlines with over 20 years service, (ii) CEOs, CFOs, EVPs and Presidents of US publicly traded companies, (iii) persons who trade commodities, including investment instruments as commodities, (iv) anyone who gets taxed on his or her labor at capital gains rates, (v) surgeons (still).
10. The “free market” has but one goal and if truly unregulated has but one result: monopoly.
I have found these TO BE FALSE:
1. Your loved-ones are safer with a pistol being near by than with one being far away.
2. “Christian” is a proper synonym for “Good” and “Moral.”
3. The Palestinians are wrong; the Israelis are wrong.
4. Alexander Hamilton was wrong; James Madison was wrong; Thomas Jefferson was wrong.
5. It is correct to sometimes use an apostrophe to indicate a plural.
6. “Muslims” is a proper synonym for “terrorists.”
7. Shakespeare was condemning lawyers with the words “First, kill all the lawyers.” [In truth, it was a rallying command by a character, signaling a way to conquer a people, for the lawyers are the people’s defenders of liberty, without whom the people cannot be free.]
8. The word for a real estate broker with access to the Multiple Listing Service consists of three syllables and not just two. [The truth is, it is pronounced REAL tor, not REAL A tor, and the word is a servicemark, like a trademark.]
9. It is perfectly lawful to drive in the left lane of a four lane divided highway even if you are not passing a vehicle in the right lane.
10. It is lawful to enter into an intersection in Houston, even if you cannot completely cross over the intersection without stopping.
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